About Us

Who we are

Our website address is: https://aapleshivar.com.

Farmers should be financially empowered, we will focus on how to increase the production by reducing the cost of productionof our fellow farmers and we will see how modern technology can be used in agriculture with maximum emphasis on toxic free agriculture. Detailed information will be given about all the government schemes for the farmers. We are going to guide the farmers to increase production by discussing the experiences of progressive farmers, officials of agriculture department and scientists.



Mr. Ankush Vimal Kailas Pardhi

(Assistant Agriculture Officer, Agriculture Department)

Gmail :- aapleshivar1@gmail.com 

पेरणीपूर्वी बिजप्रक्रिया करण्याचे हे आहेत फायदे ! भरड धान्य (Millets) ही काळाची गरज MAHADBT अंतर्गत अनुदानित बी-बियाणे साठी अर्ज प्रक्रिया सुरू गूळ खाण्याचे फायदे आपणास माहीत आहे का ? आंब्या सोबतच त्यांची कोय ही आहे आपल्या साठी आरोग्यदायी!